Purple Wizard Toad and the glow in the dark Dragon

There was once a little house and in it lived a little toad, but it was not a normal toad it was a purple wizard toad. In the morning the toad went outside and walked joyfully but then the toad saw a living glow in the dark dragon! The toad went and ate his egg scramble and scrambled away behind a rock. The toad saw the dragon destroy 2 towns it had to be stopped. The toad made the strongest magic it could and hurled it at the monstrous dragon and defeated it. And after a powerful wizard made him stronger.

Space Race

It was the time of the space race so Bob and Eafer (Team They), so they started. They had driven for hours without seeing a single other car. They were in the back of the race. On their map the cruisers were in the front but then a portal appeared. It was purple and shiny it looked pixelated. They went straight into it. It looked weird like something turning into pixels but then they came out, windows smashing as they skid right into the finish line. They won but most importantly, they found something everyone talks about: beautiful, awesome portals.

The day I got stranded on a planet.

“Here is your stop,” said the driver.

“But this is not my stop,” I said.

And then I got pushed off he did a lie to distract me.

So I went and made a row boat and caught some fish that tasted like chips.

But I was still hungry and needed to get out of the planet.

I made a flying machine and I fly a lot, so I knew what to do.

So I flew, ate some sweet clouds and I went to space.

I used my booster to get to my home galaxy and went straight to home.